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Siblings Stolen at Birth in Chile — and Adopted by Same Virginia Family — Meet Biological Mom

In an extraordinary journey of discovery and reunion, Emily Ours Reid and Sean Ours share a tale that spans continents and decades. Stolen at birth in the early 1980s amidst the chaos of Chile, fate brought them together with the same Virginia family, who adopted and raised them as their own. Unaware of their true origins for years, the siblings cherished a bond that went deeper than their shared upbringing; it was a connection rooted in a shared past they were yet to uncover.

The revelation of their illegal adoption marked a turning point in their lives, leading them on a quest to find the woman who brought them into this world. Their search culminated in an emotional reunion with their biological mother, a moment loaded with significance and years of unanswered questions. This reunion wasn’t just a closing chapter of a long-sought search but a testament to resilience, the importance of identity, and the unbreakable bonds of family. For Emily and Sean, meeting their birth mother was a dream realized, a poignant affirmation of their journey back to their roots.

The Early Years and Adoption

Background and Upbringing

In the early 1980s, an American couple from Alexandria, Virginia, welcomed two children into their home through adoption. Sean and Emily Ours, originally from Chile, embarked on a new life far from their birth country’s turmoil. Raised with love and care, they grew up knowing the warmth of a family that cherished them deeply. Alexandria, with its rich history and close-knit community, provided a nurturing environment for their upbringing. Their adoptive parents, keen on preserving the children’s heritage, never kept the story of their Chilean roots a secret.

Embracing Their Chilean Heritage

Sean and Emily’s adoptive family went to great lengths to ensure the siblings remained connected to their Chilean heritage. They celebrated Chilean holidays, cooked traditional Chilean meals, and shared stories about the country’s vibrant culture and history. This openness fostered a strong sense of identity in Sean and Emily, making them curious about their life before adoption.

The Quest for Connection

As teenagers, this curiosity blossomed into a fervent desire to learn more about their birth family. During their high school years, Sean and Emily expressed a longing to uncover the roots of their origin. In response, their adoptive mother took a proactive step by hiring a private detective to delve into the mystery. Despite the detective’s efforts to trace their biological family back in Chile, the search yielded no significant results. Disheartened yet resilient, Sean and Emily faced the reality that the pieces of their past might remain missing. However, this setback did not dampen their spirits or their bond as siblings. It instead fueled their determination to someday uncover the truth about their origins.

This early quest laid the foundation for a journey of discovery that would unfold in ways they never imagined, shaping their identities and redefining their understanding of family.

The Truth Unveiled

Illegal Adoption Scheme

In the summer of an enlightening year, Sean and Emily faced a pivotal moment that reshaped their understanding of their past. Their adoptive mother stumbled upon information about a widespread illegal adoption scheme that flourished under the dictatorship of President Augusto Pinochet from 1974 to 1990 in Chile. This revelation shed light on the dark circumstances surrounding the adoption of many children during this period, including Sean and Emily. These children, unbeknownst to many adoptive families worldwide, were part of a sinister plot. The regime, under the guise of providing better futures for these children, systematically told mothers that their newborns had died, only to secretly place them for adoption abroad.

A Mother’s Determination Ignites a Search

Moved by this disturbing information, their adoptive mother decided it was time to delve deeper into the mystery of Sean and Emily’s origins. She recognized that the pieces of their past, once thought to be lost, could potentially be reclaimed. With a renewed sense of hope and purpose, she reached out to Connecting Roots, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reuniting Chilean adoptees with their biological families. This decision marked the beginning of a transformative journey for Sean and Emily, setting them on a path to uncover the truth about their birth and the chance to reconnect with their biological mother.

Their story not only highlights the uncovering of a chilling chapter in Chile’s history but also showcases the resilience and love of a family determined to confront and heal from the shadows of the past.

Connecting Roots: The Path to Reunion

In the journey towards an unimaginable reunion, Connecting Roots emerged as the beacon of hope for Sean Ours and Emily Ours Reid. This nonprofit organization dedicates itself to bridging the gap between Chilean adoptees and their biological families. It was through this channel that the siblings found the key to unlocking their past and embracing a future filled with newfound connections.

The Process Unfolds

Tyler Graf, a Houston-based firefighter and the founder of Connecting Roots, not only shares a personal connection to the cause—having been stolen at birth in Chile himself—but also brings a deep understanding of the complexities involved in reuniting families torn apart by the Pinochet regime’s illegal adoption practices. Graf’s dedication to the mission fueled the organization’s efforts to navigate the challenging landscape of international adoption and bureaucratic red tape.

Upon receiving Sean and Emily’s consent to search for their birth mother, Connecting Roots embarked on a meticulous process. This included thorough research, coordination with various entities, and the crucial step of DNA testing. In a generous partnership, MyHeritage donated DNA kits, providing the technological means to solidify biological connections that, until then, were mere hopes.

The DNA testing process was not only a technical procedure but also a profound moment of truth for Sean, Emily, and their biological mother, Sara. The anticipation, the anxiety, and ultimately the joy that accompanied the receipt of the DNA results encapsulate the emotional rollercoaster that defines such searches. When the results confirmed their biological bond, it was a testament to the power of science in service of reuniting families.

A Bridge Between Worlds

Connecting Roots stood as a bridge between the siblings and their mother, facilitating not just a reunion but the healing of decades-old wounds. The organization’s role underscores the importance of such entities in addressing the aftermath of illegal adoptions and offering adoptees and their families a chance at closure and reconciliation. Through meticulous planning, unwavering support, and a commitment to truth, Connecting Roots played a pivotal role in weaving together the fragmented pieces of Sean and Emily’s heritage, leading them back to their biological roots and towards a new beginning with their mother, Sara.

The Emotional Reunion

The Virtual Meeting: A Glimpse into the Past

The first encounter between Sean, Emily, and their biological mother, Sara, unfolded in the digital realm, mediated by a Zoom call that bridged continents and decades of separation. This virtual meeting was not just a conversation but a profound emotional exchange that transcended the screen. The siblings and their mother, seeing each other’s faces for the first time, experienced a torrent of emotions. Happiness, disbelief, and a sense of surreal completion filled the virtual space. Tears flowed freely, as words often fell short of expressing the depth of their feelings. This moment, laden with the weight of years lost and the joy of rediscovery, marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

The Physical Reunion: Embracing Reality

Three months following their initial virtual encounter, the physical reunion took place in Chile, a moment that would forever be etched in their memories. As Sean, Emily, and other Chilean-born American adoptees stepped into the Santiago airport, they were not just travelers arriving at a destination; they were lost children finally coming home. The anticipation built with each step, culminating in an overwhelming moment of joy as they met Sara and other biological family members in person.

For Sean and Emily, the experience was transformative. The embrace with their mother, Sara, symbolized so much more than a physical connection; it was the embrace of lost time, of love that had endured the harsh test of separation, and of identities rediscovered. Emily’s words, “I knew this is what I was waiting for all my life,” echoed the sentiment of a journey not just to a place but to a sense of belonging that had eluded them for decades. This reunion was not merely an event; it was the manifestation of hope, the triumph of persistence, and the healing power of love.

The significance of this reunion extended beyond the personal stories of Sean, Emily, and Sara. It served as a poignant reminder of the many families still yearning for closure and the countless stories of separation that remain unresolved. The joy and the tears shared in Santiago were a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the enduring strength of familial bonds, and the indomitable desire to find one’s way back home, against all odds.

The Impact of Reunion

The reunion of Sean Ours, Emily Ours Reid, and their biological mother, Sara, was not just a moment of personal joy but a beacon of hope for countless others in similar situations. The siblings’ journey from the discovery of their origins to the emotional embrace in Chile has reshaped their identities and perspectives on family, belonging, and resilience.

A New Chapter for the Siblings

For Sean and Emily, reuniting with their biological mother transcended the bounds of a singular event; it marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. Sean, reflecting on the experience, shared how meeting his mother filled a void he had long felt, providing answers to questions that had lingered throughout his life. Emily echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the profound impact of finally being able to hold their mother, a moment they had dreamed of for decades.

The reunion has also spurred a desire in them to explore their Chilean heritage further, strengthen the bonds with their newfound family, and advocate for others caught in the web of illegal adoptions. Emily, particularly moved by the experience, expressed her intention to return to Chile, not just as a visitor but as a daughter of the land that had once seemed so distant.

Echoes Beyond Personal Joy

The story of Sean and Emily’s reunion extends its impact far beyond their immediate family. It serves as a powerful narrative for other adoptees around the world, offering both inspiration and a tangible example of the possibilities inherent in the search for one’s origins. Their journey underscores the importance of perseverance, the value of support from organizations like Connecting Roots, and the profound emotional and psychological benefits of reconnecting with biological relatives.

Moreover, their story brings to light the darker aspects of adoption under regimes like Pinochet’s, highlighting the need for transparency, justice, and healing for the many families still searching for answers. It calls on societies to acknowledge and address the scars left by such practices, fostering an environment where healing and reunification can thrive.

Moving Forward

As Sean and Emily continue to navigate their newly expanded family dynamics, their story remains a testament to the indomitable human spirit’s quest for identity and belonging. It not only celebrates their personal triumph over the circumstances of their births but also casts a spotlight on the ongoing issues surrounding illegal adoptions. Their journey is a reminder of the power of hope, the importance of seeking truth, and the unbreakable bonds of family, regardless of the distance or time apart.

Tips for Adoptees Searching for Birth Families

The journey to find one’s birth family is often filled with emotional highs and lows, complex challenges, and profound rewards. For adoptees embarking on this path, preparation and support are key. Here are comprehensive tips to guide adoptees through their search:

Begin with What You Know

  • Gather Information: Start by collecting all available information about your birth and adoption. This includes talking to adoptive parents, relatives, and reviewing any documentation you have, such as adoption papers or birth certificates.
  • Record Details: Keep a detailed record of any names, dates, locations, and other relevant details. Even small pieces of information can prove crucial in your search.

Utilize DNA Testing

  • Take a DNA Test: DNA testing services can connect you with biological relatives who have also taken the test. Choose a reputable service and consider taking multiple tests from different companies to increase your chances of finding a match.
  • Interpret Results Carefully: DNA matches can range from close relatives to distant cousins. Use these connections as clues in your search but proceed with caution and respect for individuals’ privacy.

Engage in Online and Offline Research

  • Use Social Media and Search Engines: Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google can be valuable tools in your search. Use variations of names and locations to find potential leads.
  • Explore Adoption Registries: Many countries and states have adoption registries where adoptees and birth families can mutually consent to be contacted. Registering can facilitate a reunion.

Consider Professional Help

  • Hire a Search Angel or Professional: Search angels are volunteers who assist adoptees in finding their birth families, often for free. Alternatively, you might consider hiring a professional investigator or genealogist specializing in adoption searches.

Prepare for Emotional Outcomes

  • Manage Expectations: Prepare yourself for all possible outcomes, including rejection or discovering that your birth relatives are deceased. It’s crucial to build emotional resilience and have support systems in place.
  • Seek Support: Engage with support groups for adoptees, either online or in person. Sharing experiences with others who understand can provide comfort and advice.

Understand Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Respect Privacy: If you find potential family members, approach them with sensitivity and respect for their privacy. Not everyone may be ready or willing to establish contact.
  • Know the Laws: Familiarize yourself with the adoption laws in the relevant jurisdictions. Some countries have closed adoption records, while others are more open.

Document and Share Your Journey

  • Keep a Journal: Documenting your search can be therapeutic and helpful for organizing information. It also creates a record of your journey that you might want to share with found family members.
  • Be Open to Sharing Your Story: Sharing your search and reunion story can be powerful, both for you and for others embarking on similar journeys. Consider blogging, speaking at adoption events, or simply sharing with your community.

Embarking on a search for your birth family is a deeply personal and potentially life-changing decision. These tips can help navigate the complexities and emotional aspects of the journey, but it’s important to move at your own pace and do what feels right for you.

A Journey Home: The Power of Reconnection

The incredible journey of Sean Ours and Emily Ours Reid—from the shocking discovery of their illegal adoption in Chile to the heartwarming reunion with their biological mother—embodies the profound impact of uncovering the truth and reestablishing lost family connections. Their story, marked by decades of unanswered questions and the eventual unraveling of a hidden past, culminates in a moment of overwhelming joy and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

The significance of organizations like Connecting Roots in Sean and Emily’s journey cannot be overstated. These entities play a crucial role in bridging the vast distances—both geographical and emotional—that separate families torn apart by circumstances such as illegal adoptions. Their dedication to reuniting families highlights the importance of perseverance, advocacy, and the utilization of modern technology in the service of these noble goals.

Sean and Emily’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring strength of family bonds and the human spirit’s capacity for resilience and hope. It also brings to light the darker aspects of adoption practices under regimes like that of Pinochet in Chile, urging a collective call to action to address and heal the wounds left by such injustices.

As we reflect on the emotional odyssey of Sean, Emily, and their biological mother, let us also recognize the countless other families still navigating their paths towards reunion. Their stories underscore the critical need for support, awareness, and action to combat illegal adoptions and to ensure that individuals have the resources and assistance necessary to reconnect with their loved ones.

In moving forward, let us advocate for transparency, justice, and the facilitation of family reunions worldwide. The journey of Sean and Emily reminds us of the transformative power of uncovering the truth and the indomitable desire to connect with our roots. Let us stand in solidarity with those still seeking closure and contribute to a future where every individual has the opportunity to know their origins and embrace their family connections, no matter how distant they may seem.

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